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My Favorite Workforce “Fun Facts”

By Paige Wesche, Assistant Executive Director

I do not know about you, but I am a sucker for fun facts! Throughout college, I survived by learning the most fascinating thing about the topic I was learning. For example, did you know that the Fax machine was invented the same year as the Oregon Trail migration? (Say what) I will not even get into some of my more “interesting” fun facts… but I will share with you my top five workforce fun facts in this blog post!

Fact 1:

The average person spends over 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime. 

Did they say 90,000 hours? This equates to 3750 days or almost 11 years of your life being spent at work alone! This is why it is crucial for employers to allow for better work/life balance for their employees. Burnout is one of the leading causes of job dissatisfaction and employees quitting.

Fact 2:

Job dissatisfaction can lead to negative health effects.

This fun (or not so fun) fact follows what I mentioned in fact number 1... except not only will the employees quit but their high stress levels from job dissatisfaction can cause major health issues. This includes headaches, weight gain, digestive issues, insomnia, and other mental health issues. So as an employee you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and leaving situations that are causing you to experience these symptoms. There is always an employer out there who will value you as a member of their team.

Fact 3:

347.3 billion emails are sent each day across the globe.

What is even crazier to think about is that there are only around 7.9 billion people in the world. Which means that every person in the world would have to send forty-three emails a day to meet this metric.

Fact 4:

80% percent of jobs are gained through networking and not a resume! While having a great resume is a critical piece to employment, most of the time it is about who you know who gets you into the door of a potential employer. But it is once you are in that door that your resume is valuable. So, if you are struggling to get into your dream job through submitting an application and resume, maybe it is time to check out a local networking event. (We would be happy to recommend a few!)

Fact 5:

90% of employees decide whether they want to stay in the company in the first six months. 

That means that for employers that first 6 months of employment is the time that you need to ensure you are meeting the needs of your new hires. On top of this stat, 25% of those 90% do decide to leave. We know that the access to opportunities (and higher pay), is one of the main reasons why people job hop so quickly.

I hope you enjoyed reading about some of these workplace fun facts! Next time you are in an office meeting feel free to use one to impress (or scare) your fellow coworkers. If you are interested in learning more about different workforce tips and tricks, feel free to reach out to Paige Wesche, Assistant Executive Director, at

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