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FAQs about First Quality Coming to Defiance County, Ohio

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Where is the Mega Site?

  • First Quality wants to site their next facility on Defiance County’s Mega Site, which is located just off 424, west of Defiance, Ohio.

  • The Mega Site consists of over 1100 acres and is located between Krouse and Whetstone Roads located in Defiance and Delaware Townships. First Quality doesn’t plan to use all the land for the recent project announced.

Why is the Mega Site so special?

  • The Defiance County Mega Site is special for several reasons, but mainly because it is over 1100 contiguous acres close to US 24, CSX Rail, and the Maumee River. In addition to this the site has ample natural gas and electric capacity.

  • The Mega Site is in two different townships, which are Delaware and Defiance Townships. Delaware is in the Central Local School Districts territory and Defiance is in Defiance City Schools. The initial construction will be conducted in Central Local Schools.

When was the Mega Site established?

  • The Mega Site was established before 2008.


What are the proposed Project Metrics?

  • This project would be one of the biggest investments in Defiance County’s History with an initial investment of $985 million and is committed to creating 407 jobs with an 8-year ramp up period. The company has until 2032 to hire all 400+ employees, but plans to start hiring soon. Payroll will be a minimum of $22.5 million annually.

  • The company is committing to two different phases but plans to do additional phases on the Mega Site. Once the tax abatement rolls off, the annual taxes for Phase 1 are estimated to be $1.9 million, and that’s for only one phase of the project, with a potential of several more phases. Please note that figure is subject to change with construction changes, etc.

When will hiring begin?

  • There was some confusion on the 2032 date in the initial news release. The 2032 date is the deadline the company must meet their job requirement, which they will likely exceed. Typically companies make this longer than needed when negotiating incentives. First Quality will be hiring soon. Please send your resume to and she'll forward to First Quality.


How will this impact neighboring residents?

  • First Quality is committed to being a good neighbor by developing a company campus, that doesn’t directly impact neighboring residents. The main access to their facility will be off 424. In addition to this, a new county road will be constructed off 424 and then potentially connect to an employee entrance off Whetstone Road. The main footprint of their facility will be situated along Ashwood Road.

  • In addition, there is a 1000 feet no build zone in the land option agreement, that prevents any company from building close to Whetstone Road. 

  • First Quality is a philanthropic company, always committed to the communities they are located in.

  •  A delegation of residents travelled to First Quality’s facility in Pennsylvania to investigate the opportunity and during our visit, the entire group deemed the following:

o   The facility was very clean and beautifully landscaped.

o   There was no smell to the facility.

o   We interviewed local leaders, and they stated First Quality isn’t just a great company, but rather the Premier Company to work at for their Region.


What about the increased traffic?

  •  The company’s main truck traffic will come off 424 which sees roughly 1000 to 2000 trucks per day. When the road was built many years ago, it saw around 5000 trucks per day. With the addition of First Quality, the increased traffic still won’t be close to 5000 trucks per day.

  • All roads surrounding the Mega Site are built and can handle additional traffic. Ashwood Road would likely close, but if it remains, it would be another entrance point. There are plans for another public road off of 424, but the exact plans haven't been created yet. Once exact plans are known, they will be shared with the public.

    Is there a smell to First Quality's Facility?

  • The answer is NO. Traditional pulp mills use pressure and heat to cook wood chips in a digester. This cooking process creates the odor that is associated with them. The pulp is then cleaned, brightened and washed before drying and formed into dried pulp bales that are shipped to paper mills across the world. First Quality does not cook wood to make pulp.

    At First Quality, they purchase the bales of dried pulp from selected suppliers and use the bales in their process to make tissue and towel products which is odorless.

    Their process is odor free, as it does not have a digestor or a cooking process to manufacture pulp. There will only be water vapor leaving the facility due to the evaporating of the water out of the sheet during our drying process.

Will this facility produce noise?

  • This facility will not produce any noise that would be intrusive to neighboring properties. There will be trains that enter the site via rail spur and vehicles coming in and out of the property, but nothing out of the norm.

Why wasn’t this site already zoned?

  • The intent of the Mega Site was always to have the property annexed, but due to input from the Company and the City of Defiance it was decided to pursue rezoning in both Delaware and Defiance Townships.

Will there be a public hearing to voice a concern or voice support?

  • First Quality is in the process of making application to both townships. Once we know when the public hearing is, it will be publicized.


How many people are expected to be needed for the Construction of this project?

  • It is projected that 800 construction workers will be needed to build this facility.

Why was it necessary to use state and local incentives to attract First Quality to Defiance County?

  • The Mega Site is multiple miles away from and outside of the City of Defiance limits and currently isn’t served by water or sewer, which is costly to extend.

  • With Defiance County being a rural community, the only way to attract a company of First Quality’s caliber is to offer an attractive incentive package.

  • Defiance County competed against 500 other sites within the United States

How much water will First Quality be using?

  • For their plant, water/sewer will only be needed for bathroom/sinks/fire hydrants. At full operation, they plan to have 407 employees. The company, however, will be using raw water from the Maumee River, and will build a mini reservoir for the times when the river is low. They are currently working with Ohio EPA, as they plan to use the raw water, then clean the water, put it back in the Maumee better than when they withdrew it.

What are the incentives being offered?

  • Locally, there will be two Enterprise Zone Tax Abatements for Phase 1 and Phase 2. The offer is a 100% tax abatement for 15-years with annual school donations to the local school district and the vocational school district. For Phase 1, the projected real property is an estimated $120 million, which means an estimated $345,000 each year to Fairview School District, and around $34,000 to Four County Career Center.


What is the All-Ohio Future Fund?

  • The 2024-2025 state operating budget (Ohio House Bill 33) established the All-Ohio Future Fund (AOFF) with a historic $750 million investment to support local communities with site-readiness and preparation to attract economic development projects. The Ohio Department of Development will work in coordination with JobsOhio, other state agencies, and the Ohio General Assembly to establish more project-ready sites for economic development opportunities across Ohio.

Why did Defiance County apply for the All-Ohio Future Fund?

  • The Mega Site did not have water/sewer to the site, which is why the application was made.


What is the structure of the All-Ohio Future Fund for Defiance County?

  • All Ohio Future Fund Grant: $7,340,600 million

  • All Ohio Future Fund Loan: $7,340,600 million

  • Defiance County Commissioner’s Commitment to guarantee the grant/0% loan: $5,152,300

  • The Total = $16,109,200 which includes the necessary water/sewer and a public road work.



  • First Quality was founded in 1988 by Kambiz Damaghi and his family, who immigrated to the United States from Iran. They serve institutional and retail markets throughout the world. 

  • First Quality's brands include Prevail®, Cuties®, Plenty®, Panda®, and Incognito®


  • First Quality makes a variety of products, including bath tissue, paper towels, feminine care products, baby care products, adult incontinence products. Paper products Bath tissue, Paper towels, Shrink film, Printed rolls, and Compression bags. 

  •  First Quality’s operation will be a plant dedicated to making bath tissue.





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Office Phone: 419-784-4471

Defiance County Economic Development

1300 E. Second St., Suite 201

Defiance, Ohio 43512

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